Deploying Open Data & Citizen Science for Sustainable Freshwater Resource Management

Maai Makwa (indigenous Kikuyu language for My Water) is an open-source, open-data and public domain water quality and quantity monitoring project integrated with practical civic education to empower water-scarce, climate-vulnerable & disenfranchised individuals, households and communities in Kenya to participate in domestic-led sustainable freshwater resource management.
Facts About Kenya's Water Situation
What is Maai Makwa?
Maai Makwa (indigenous Kikuyu language for My Water) is an open-source, open-data and public domain water quality and quantity monitoring project integrated with practical civic education to empower individuals, households and communities in Kenya to participate in freshwater conservation and sustainable water resource exploitation.
Why Water?

Amount of annual freshwater availability per person

Kenya is classified as a water-scarce country by the United Nations, having a declining annual renewable freshwater of 20.2 km3. In 2005, this translated to 647m3 per capita per year and by the year 2025, it is projected that this will decline significantly to 235 m3 per capita.

Kenya's rank in Africa out of 54 countries on national water security. th
Kenya is classified as a water-scarce country by the United Nations with an annual per capita water availability of 235m3, less than half of the UN's definition of absolute water scarcity.
How to use Maai Makwa
Search for a Location of Interest
Navigate the map with your cursor, and find a location of interest by clicking through geographies (province, district, metro, municipality, ward, etc.).
Explore Water Service Providers
Navigate the map with your cursor, and find a location of interest by clicking through geographies (province, district, metro, municipality, ward, etc.).
Project Financiers
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